- E. May, C. Sershen. Oxygen Availability and Metabolic Dynamics During Mycobacterium tuberculosis Latency. IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng. 63:10, p2036-2046. Oct. 2016.
- T. Salim, C. Sershen, E. May, Investigating the Role of TNF-α and IFN-γ Activation on the Dynamics of iNOS Gene Expression in LPS Stimulated Macrophages. PLoS One. 2016.
- Clancy CE, An G., Cannon, WR, Liu Y, May EE, Ortoleva P, Popel AS, Sluka JP, Su J, Vicini P, Zhou X, Eckmann DM. Multiscale Modeling in the Clinic: Drug Design and Development Ann Biomed Eng (2016) 44: 2591. doi:10.1007/s10439-016-1563-0
- C. Sershen, S. Plimpton, E. May, Oxygen modulates the effectiveness of granuloma mediated host response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a multi-scale computational biological approach. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2016.
- E. May, J. Harper, S. Brozik. Computational Biosensors: Molecules, Algorithms, and Detection Platform, Modeling, Methodologies and Tools for Molecular and Nano-scale Communications. T.N. J Suzuki, MJ Moore, Editor. 2017, Springer, In press
- E. May, A. Leitao, A. Tropsha, T. Oprea. A Systems chemical biology study of Malate Synthase and Isocitrate Lyase inhibition in Mycobacterium tuberculosis during active and NRP growth, Computational Biology and Chemistry, 47:167-180. September 2013.
- T. Oprea, E. May, A. Leitao, A. Tropsha. Computational Systems Chemical Biology, Methods Mol Biol.; 672:459-88, 2011.
- E. May, R. Schiek. BioXyce: An engineering platform for the study of cellular systems. IET Systems Biology Journal, 3(2):77-89, March 2009.
- E. May, Dolan P, Crozier P, Brozik S., Manginell M., Towards de novo design of deoxyribozyme biosensors for GMO detection. IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(6):1011-1019. June 2008.
- E. May, M. Vouk, and D. Bitzer. An Error-Control Coding Model For Classification of Escherichia coli K-12 Ribosome Binding Sites. IEEE EMB Magazine, 25(1):90-7, January 2006.
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. Coding Theory Based Models for Protein Translation Initiation in Prokaryotic Organisms. BioSystems Journal, 76(1-3):249-60, 2004.
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. An Error-Correcting Code Framework for Genetic Sequence Analysis, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 341(1-2):89-109, 2004.
- E. May. Towards a Biological Coding Theory Discipline, New Thesis. February 2004.
- M. Gough, E. May. An In silico Model of the Effects of Vitamin D3 on Mycobacterium Infected Macrophage, Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, 2016.
- T. Salim, E. May. In silico Kinetic Model of iNOS Expression in Macrophages, Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, 2014.
- C. Sershen, S. Plimpton, E. May. A Method for Modeling Oxygen Diffusion in an Agent-based Model with Application to Host-Pathogen Infection, Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, 2014.
- S. Bennun, E. May. Modeling electron transfer and oxidative phosphorylation for the pathogenic bacteria Francisella tularensis, Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, 2012. Poster
- E. May, M. Lee, P. Dolan, P. Crozier, S. Brozik, M. Manginell. Computational sensing and in vitro classification of GMOs and biomolecular events. Proceedings of the 26th Army Science Conference. December 2008.
- E. May, A. Leitao, J-L. Faulon, J. Joo, M. Misra, T. Oprea. Understanding virulence mechanisms in M. tuberculosis infection via a circuit-based simulation framework. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, pp 4953-4955, August 2008.
- M. Oishi, May E., Addressing biological circuit simulation accuracy: Reachability for parameter identification and initial conditions. Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 152-155, pp. 85-88, November 2006.
- E. May, P. Dolan, P. Crozier, and S. Brozik. Syndrome-based discrimination of single nucleotide polymorphism. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, 1:4548-51. August 2006.
- E. May, R. Schiek. Simulating metabolism in Escherichia colii K-12 – a circuit-based approach. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Conference, 1:4548-51. August 2006.
- R. Schiek and E. May, Using large scale, multi-cellular pathway modeling to understand cellular differentiation, Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting, November 2004.
- S. Martin, G. Davidson, E. May, M. Werner-Washburn, J. L. Faulon Inferring Genetic Networks from Microarray Data. International Conference on Systems Biology. 2004.
- D. Schmidt and E. May. Visualizing ECC Properties of E. coli K-12 Translation Initiation Sites. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS). May 2004.
- E. May and R. Schiek, Simulating Regulatory Networks Using XyceTM. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Systems Biology, November 2003.
- XH Wang, RSH Istepanian, YH Song, EE May, Review of application of coding theory in genetic sequence analysis. Healthcom 2003 Proceedings, pp. 5-9, June 2003.
- R. Schiek and E. May, Development of a Massively-Parallel, Biological Circuit Simulator, Proceedings of the IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics 2003 Conference, pp.620—622 (2003).
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. Binding Motif Based Code Models for Prokaryotic Translation Initiation. Proceedings of the 4th Annual IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, pp. 5-8, April 2003
- E. May. Optimal Generators for a Systematic Block Code Model of Prokaryotic Translation Initiation. Proceedings of the 25th Silver Anniversary International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, September 2003
- D. Rosnick, D. Bitzer, M. Vouk, and E. May. Escherichia coli Protein Coding Sequence Detection. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), October 2002
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. A Coding Theory Framework for Genetic Sequence Analysis. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), October 2002
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. Constructing Optimal Convolutional Code Models for Prokaryotic Translation Initiation. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Meeting of the IEEE EMBS and BMES, October 2002
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. The Ribosome as a Table-Driven Convolutional Decoder for the Escherichia coli K-12 Translation Initiation System. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Conference, July 2000.
- D. Rosnick, D. Bitzer, M. Vouk, and E. May. Free Energy Periodicity in E.coli Codings. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Conference, July 2000.
- E. May, M. Vouk, D. Bitzer, and D. Rosnick. Coding Model for Translation in E. coli K-12. First Joint Conference of EMBS-BMES. Atlanta, GA, October 1999. (Region 3 Student Finalist)
- D. Rosnick, D. Bitzer, M. Vouk, and E. May. Free Energy Periodicity in E.coli. First Joint Conference of EMBS-BMES. Atlanta, GA, October 1999.
- Proceedings (Invited)
- E. May. The Emergence of Biological Coding Theory as a Mathematical Framework for Modeling, Monitoring, and Modulating Biomolecular Systems. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Johns Hopkins University, March 2009, Invited.
- TD Schneider, H Yockey, DA MacDonaill, EE May, C Rose, JS Garavelli, A Andreou, AW Eckford. Coding theory and channel capacity in biology: Grand research challenges. NSF Workshop on Molecular Communication/Biological Communications Technology. Feb. 2008.
- May E.. Bits and bases, parallel paradigms for communication. Conference Record of the 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp 165-169, November 2007. Invited.